Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer speak at the Union League Club in Philadelphia

Video in 3 parts: October 7, 2010, the David Horowitz Freedom Center held a reception, luncheon and book signing with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer at the Union League Club in Philadelphia

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This video was filmed under low-light conditions, but with good audio video. You will hear great speeches and a very good Q and A.

Part 1: Pamela Geller's speech covers everything from the Ground Zero Mosque to Obama and media censorship, slander and propaganda.


Part 2 : Robert Spencer's speech also covered everything from the Ground Zero Mosque to Obama and media censorship, slander and propaganda


Part 3 : A brief Q and A with Geller and Spencer before the book-signing of "The Post American Presidency"


Slide show of a few pictures at the luncheon:

Walked around Philly after the luncheon. Found the " Post American Presidency" HIGH up on the shelves at the Borders across from the Union League.

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After noticing that the Qurans were also in on the top shelf, I was informed that the Quran is not to be placed on the lower shelf. Store policy, the Quran is not to be placed lower than the other religious books. Wondering, does that mean "The Post American Presidency" has been given a 'place of honor?"

A few more pictures outside the Union League a walking around the City Hall

Later that evening Pamela and Robert were guests of students of "TU Purpose" at Temple University specifically to discuss the Ground Zero mosque. That post will go up next...

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