Thursday, August 26, 2010

Leftiest Press Conference in support of Ground Zero Mosque (8-25-10)

WHAT: Press Conference to Announce New Coalition Supporting Religious Freedom called "New York Neighbors for American Values"
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WHERE: NYC Municipal Building (One Centre Street)
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WHEN: August 25, 2010 at 11 AM
It was a NEW 'coalition' of every Leftist, Progressive, Soc/commie/Dem who work together constantly to subvert America. So what's with the NEW name? Old friends who are "New York Neighbors for American Values". They claim that they embrace the American constitutional values of religious freedom, diversity and equality. (as in SHARIA?) And that they ".... stand together today to reject the crude stereotypes meant to frighten and divide us."
A predictable press conference where (surprise-surprise) they came out in support of Imam Rauf and (in his own words).... his "ICONIC Ground Zero Mosque".
The sycophant press came out in droves to this last-minute press conference. It was a scramble for everyone to get there but they did and their eagerness for "the story" was palpable.

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After all, this coalition would deliver what was considered a most important message about 'what has happened in America". And I don't mean the attack on 9-11. NOPE. It's that terrorists and Islam, there is no connection, one to the other. In truth, they never met a terrorist who wasn't a victim of America . That's right, put the blame on the Right-Wing, Hate-Mongers , and they did just that.
The Press Conference Video:

Looking around at the crowd of supporters, there were many familiar faces. Some well-known (as in Debbie Almontaser of NYC Intifada fame)

And others such as Bill Doar (Doares) a professional commie agitator

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He can be seen assaulting me and a NY Post photographer while the NYC Muslim police just watch. ( watch video here)

This is Bill Doares' "resume"

Workers World Party (also writes for the paper),
NYC Labor Against War (NYCLAW)
Al-Awda NY
International Action Center
If we are known by the company we keep then the Imam has some seriously flawed and highly suspicious characters on his team.

Slide show of pics:

WHEN will our dear Mayor Bloomberg start to ask the hard questions of the Cordoba Initiative. The lack of transparency, the obfuscation , the cover-up goes all the way to the White House, but you'd never know any of that from the fawning press and our Dhimmi Mayor.
BTW, when Faiza Ali , of NY-CAIR,

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sweetly made a passing reference to a taxi driver knifed because he was Muslim, she did NOT mention that he was employed by "Intersections" and the Rev Chase who is seen towering in the background.

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Nope. Not necessary. All she did was drop " Right wing, Islamophobia ". Forget the facts, that the attacker was one of their own! [NY Daily News: In an odd twist, (Michael) Enright was a volunteer for Intersections International, a Manhattan-based group that promotes peace among different religions. A spokesman confirmed he was filming for the group, which recently threw its support behind the controversial Park 51 mosque project near Ground Zero.] Nope. that unfortunate NOT necessary to their meme-of-the-day.
Intersections and the Rev Robert Chase were covered as part of a screening for "What A Billion Muslims Think".
A quote from Susan Lerner of Common Cause, one of the organizers of this "NEW" coalition: of
" I am sure many of you are as angry as I am at the furor going on around the Cordoba House, the Islamic cultural and community center proposed for lower Manhattan. Well, under the leadership of Common Cause, many civic, progressive, labor, community and religious groups are getting together to take a stand." Their mantra, *Fighting for Social, Racial, Economic and Environmental Justice***
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And their Press Release, PUBLISHED TUESDAY, AUG. 24, 2010
NEW YORK, Aug. 24 -- September Eleventh Families, Religious Leaders, Civic Groups, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Groups Announce Coalition to Support Religious Freedom - New York Neighbors for American Values Speaks Out in Support of Park51
NEW YORK, Aug. 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Wednesday, August 25, more than 40 prominent organizations, civic groups, leaders and religious and interfaith groups will join together to announce the creation of a coalition in support of religious freedom and diversity and to rebuff the increasingly strident opposition to a proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero.
New York Neighbors for American Values embraces the American constitutional values of religious freedom, diversity and equality. We stand together today to reject the crude stereotypes meant to frighten and divide us.
WHAT: Press Conference to Announce New Coalition Supporting Religious Freedom
WHERE: Municipal Building (One Centre Street)
* Faiza Ali, Council on American-Islamic Relations-NY, 212.870.2002, (C) 718.724.3041
* Deanna Bitetti, Common Cause/NY, (C) 917.751.2342
* Jennifer Carnig, New York Civil Liberties Union, 212.607.3363, (C) 845.553.0349
* Shonna Carter, Riptide, 212.260.5000, (C) 917.453.8286
* September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
* Faiza Ali, Community Affairs Director Council on American-Islamic Relations –NY
* Ro Scheffe, Community Board 1 (DID NOT SPEAK)
* Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper, President, New Sanctuary Movement and the Judson Memorial Church
* Donna Lieberman, Executive Director, New York Civil Liberties Union
* Susan Lerner, Executive Director, Common Cause/NY
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Speakers added : Imam Ayub Abdul Baki of the Islamic Cultural Center of NY and Rabbi Arthur Waskow of the Shalom Center, Donna Marsh O'Connor from 9-11 Families For Peaceful Tomorrow
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The representatives of over 40 groups expressed support for allowing a Muslim cultural center to be built near ground zero during a news conference in Lower Manhattan August 25, 2010 to introduce 'religious freedom' coalition, The Coalition of NY Neighbors for American Values.Groups to Announce Coalition in Support of Park51, Religious Freedom
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WHO: The Coalition of NY Neighbors for American Values: Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), Auburn Theological Seminary, Brooklyn for Peace, Citizen Action of New York, Common Cause/New York, Community Voices Heard, Convergence of Cultures/NY, Council on American-Islamic Relations-NY, Demos, Downtown Independent Democrats, Good Jobs New York, Greater NYC for Change, Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition, Interfaith Center of New York, Islamic Mission of America inc., Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ), Judson Memorial Church, Lower Manhattan Democrats (LMD), Manhattan Young Democrats, Middle East Crisis Response (MECR), Muslim Consultative Network, Muslim Public Affairs Council -NYC
New York Civil Liberties Union, New York Theological Seminary, New York City New Sanctuary Movement, Pax Christi Metro New York, The Dialogue Project, The New York City Chapter of Humanist Party, The Shalom Center, Woodstock International and Talat Hamdani
Mother of Mohammad Salman Hamdani NYPD Cadet, EMT<>
*Organization listed for identification purposes only
SOURCE Council on American-Islamic Relations

End of Press Conference, as I turned to enter the subway:
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and then as I was exiting the subway. ..It may difficult to tell, lacking EYES, but she was walking TOWARDS me....

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