And the MTA ran these paid ads on NYC busses in June 2009
Found these MTA bus ads the end of July 2010 on 42nd Street
And this was on the back of 104, Isaiah53.com, (July 31, 2010) heading up 8th Avenue:
So, Mayor Bloomberg, why have you refused to post this paid AD on the NY city busses:
And while we’re asking about bus-ads, has ANYBODY seen these ads on a NYC taxi-cab? Any one??
SIOA PAID for these ads, “Leave Islam Safely” that are supposed to be on the NYC taxis, FIFTY of them. So why aren’t they showing up anywhere in town??
Spent TWO hours in Times Square, Sunday , August 6, 2010… from 5-7 PM ( 42nd to 47th street)…looking for the leaving Islam ads. What we found was a plethora of anything BUT…. We certainly found no shortage of ads for those ‘naked dancing-girls’….
Will post a slid-show next as it t was an ‘educational two hours…
What we found were these blank ad cards on 7 taxis and wondered, “Why those ad cards blank?” Co-incidence? Maybe. OR…Maybe not. Is anyone else wondering.?
Even Bloomy pays for taxi-dds:
Perhaps in the “Land of Dhimmi-gogue Bloomberg and Company”, some people are more EQUAL than others.
You should be ashamed of yourself, Mayor Bloomberg!
The operative word there, of course, is "should"-- as our mayor knows know shame, just as he knows no self-doubt!