BREAK THE SILENCE RALLY - SUNDAY!! was held in front of the Israeli Consulate on Sunday, April 25, 2010. The treatment of Israel during the last several weeks by President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and spokesmen for the Administration has been an unprecedented attempt to humiliate the Jewish State and a willful isolation of it among the community of nations.The People of Israel are demoralized and feel abandoned by the lack of any strong and meaningful statement and vigorous, public demonstrations sponsored by any of the major and established Jewish organizations in support of Israel’s position regarding Jerusalem. This Rally is meant to show there is STRONG Support for Israel in America. Shame Shame on Obama and his Administration for abandoning Israel.
Slide show of Rally:
Because of the rain, had to stay with camera trying to film and keep camera dry wasn't easy (nor real successful) so didn't manage to get good crowd shots. It was a good turn-out crowd, in spite of the rain....about 2000.
Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs
Curtis Sliwa:(new post with adjusted sound)
Joy Brighton on Shariah Finance (the rain was a real problem during this one...but what matters is the message!)
Laurie Cardoza- Moore of Christian Friends of Israeli Communities and Jeff Wiesenfeld speak:
Jeff Wiesenfeld speaks briefly as he introduces Jim Lafferty of Traditional Values Coalition
Jeff Wiesenfeld and Lori Lowentahl-Marcus of Z Street
Rabbi Aryeh Spero introduces Mallory Danaher of the David Horowitz Freedom Center
Jeff Wiesenfeld speaks briefly before he introduces Helen Freedman of Americans For a Safe Israel.
Rabbi Aryeh Spero speaks briefly before introducing Narain Kataria of the Hindu and Sikh Groups (text of speech is posted at YouTube with the video)
Rabbi Aryeh Spero introduces Bhupinder Singh Bhuria, member of the Sikh Community (TEXT for speech is posted at You Tube with the video)
Rabbi Spero introduces the final speaker, Reuben Margolis from the ZOA
Rabbi Aryeh Spero begins the Rally with prayer and a rousing speech (unfortunately rain was a big problem during this speech)
Jeff Wiesenfeld introduces Dr. Herb London of the Hudson Institute (unfortunately rain was a big problem during these first few speakers)
Jeff Wiesenfeld introduces Rabbi Joe Potasnik of the New York Board of Rabbis (unfortunately rain was a big problem during these first few speakers)
Jeff Wiesenfeld introduces Dr. Michael Ledeen of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. (unfortunately rain was a big problem during these first few speakers)
Rabbi Aryeh Spero introduces Tamar Edlestein of Chabad Women
Jeff Wiesenfeld speaks about Obama , then introduce the Rev Michel Faulkner of New Horizons Church in Harlem
Jeff Wiesenfeld introduces Rabbi David Algazi of The World Committe for the Land of Israel.
Jeff Wiesenfeld introduces Dov Hikind, Democrat New York State Assemblyman (had some moments when the rain blew the make-shift cover into the camera lens...thankfully it's only temporary)
For more info on Supporting Israel: http://standwithisrael.wordpress.com/
Great speeches.