On June 17, 2009, a few anti-Israel Leftist-Jews, Not In My Name....
They met up worked a street corner on the Upper West Side of Manhattan with their anti-Israeli lies.
BUT, on that same day, a mother and son met in the same neighborhood to speak loud and proud FOR Israel. They were well received.
It may be the Upper West Side (where Liberal politics is what they have for breakfast) but the PRO-Israeli support was there. The people passing by were HAPPY to see some one speaking in support of Israel.
(video may still be processing)
It was a good day is spite of the hate -Israel crowd on the far corner.
Am Yisrael Chai!
A slide show of the both sides:
(In memoriam of Matthew)
I guess if these self righteous Upper West Side yentas were not protesting the hundreds of rockets fired into Southern Israel by Hamas, then that WAS in their name.