Saturday, February 20, 2010


Just returned from CPAC 2010. The high point was the inaugural event presented by Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch and Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs.

Once again, they've done a great public service for America. The TRUTH about "Jihad: The Political Third Rail" from unfiltered witnesses". In 2009, Geller and Spencer brought the honorable and very brave Geert Wilders to CPAC. This year, there were even more heroes in this War against Jihad; leading voices of truth and it was a riveting two hours. (We could have stayed there for another two hours.)

Click the slideshow for a few pictures (and scroll down for videos)

Geller said when announcing the event".... we have created an organization to stand up against this silence that threatens to our existence and render us defenseless as our freedoms and way of life are eroded away. We are launching the Freedom Defense Initiative, a new activist group, at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2010, with a conference entitled "Jihad: The Political Third Rail -- What They Are Not Telling You."

Our nation is at war, and yet our politicians pretend that that war isn't happening. Barack Obama is intent upon trying enemy combatants in that war in civilian courts and making concession after concession to our enemies as if those concessions will make them love us. The mainstream media, both liberal and conservative, and the entire government and law enforcement apparatus appear determined to obfuscate and deny the truth about the enemy's ideology and belief system. This has the effect of minimizing in the minds of Americans the threat just as it is greater than ever and of rendering us blind to very real threats from people and groups that officials seem intent upon assuming to be innocuous.

And on CPAC she also said "....I find it most distressing that the largest gathering of conservatives in America does nothing to address the single greatest threat to our national security, our Constitution, our very way of life...... Our event, on the other hand, will feature the first public appearance of the Steve Coughlin: Former Pentagon Islam specialist, fired after pressure from Islamic infiltrators (1st public appearance). Also speaking will be Wafa Sultan: Author, A God who Hates, viral video star of Al-Jazeera debate with Islamic cleric, Simon Deng: Ex-slave, leading human rights activist against jihad in Sudan Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff: facing "hate speech" charges in Austria for telling the truth about Islam, Lt Colonel Allen West: War hero, Congressional candidate (FL 22nd district), future national leader, Robert Spencer and myself (Pamela Geller)"

THANK YOU Freedom Defense Initiative, for revealing "What they aren't telling You"

Part 1: Intro by Pamela Geller and Wafa Sultan

Part 2 Robert Spencer and Steve Coughlin

Part 3: Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Part 4: Anders Gravers (heads up , lost about a minute around 10:21 due to loss of power)

Part 5: Simon Deng

Part 6 : Pamela Geller and Allen West

There will be a seperate post reporting on CPAC with pictures

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