Friday, September 4, 2009

Sounds odd, maybe, placing both of these two events in one article, but here goes: Saturday.August 22, was Recess Rally Day. American's across the US were meeting at the offices of their recalcitrant Representatives to Just SAY NO to Obama-Care. In Manhattan, we took the subway up to 93rd and 3rd Ave to Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney's office, getting off at 96th St, and came above ground to see this:

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There it was this gigantic mosque,The Islamic Cultural Center of New York. And guess what? It just happened to be Ramadama-Ding-Dong Day (DooDah/DooDah)

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Lady in yellow seemed a bit out of place...

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Guess she's going in...

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The phallus...

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Plaque on the phallus

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Staring at that huge phallus beside the large testicle of a building (ne...mosque) was an eye-opener.

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Take a good's a phallus! (dingdong doodah day) Sorta makes sense, doesn't it....

Rest of the pictures here (click thumbnail)

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by redsquirrel08

Then we moved on to the Recess Rally.

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They had a good turnout (about 60 Patriots)Americans know what that 1000 page document says...they've read it...has Carolyn Maloney? We'll never know. These legislators are laying low. Only meeting with their constituents under safe circumstances (they don't want to have to defend nor answer any questions) But, WE are NOT going away. The Maloney's etc ...Reid....Hussein-Obama....take heed....we will meet you at the ballot box (and we are NOT just Republicans who are saying NO!

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2010! 2012. We can do it. We can make a CHANGE. We can HOPE again!!

For a few more pictures, click thumbnail:

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by redsquirrel08

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