Friday, August 14, 2009

Anthony Weiner, New York’s 9th District,Town Hall Meeting 8-12-09

Congressman Anthony Weiner, of NY’s 9th District, held his Town Hall Meeting (photo-op/press conference) in a Union Hall in Forest Hills, NY.

The Union spokesman put everyone on notice that this was their Union Hall and we had to obey certain rules regarding the Town Hall if we were to be allowed to stay. Then we SAT quietly because Weiner arrived 40 minutes late (with no one giving any apology or explanation.)

We deserved an explanation but got none.When the Congressman arrived he took the mic, after we said the Pledge of Allegiance, and proceeded to yadayadayada for another 30 minutes or more as he ‘explained’ HIS plan (using a Pelosi pie-chart as a visual aide)

It was all painfully boring. Finally, when the questions were to be read (that had to be handed in before he arrived) he instead started talking with people in the audience. They would speak out or stand and he would let them speak….Four men and one woman….and of course, he ’skipped’ over many of the written questions (when he would bother to glance at them) saying…oh I’ve answered this one. The Union-goons were standing guard throughout. In the video, at about 4:40, the goons swarmed one guy in attempt to intimidate and to give Weiner a studly photo-op.

Re: the sound on this video: We were told no cameras were allowed in the meeting (so I didn’t have my better camera and microphone) Then, of course,Weiner grandly admitted CBS (the only media present) as he entered. So, then the audience was the permitted to enter with cameras. (Too late for me to get better sound) It doesn’t really matter. He spoke in circles.

A couple of points he made: This plan is necessary so there will be competition. These people are just trying to get their faces on TV (when a couple of women were arguing) Yes…he would sign up for the plan…next question…etcetcetc. His photographers were ready for the photo-ops…like grandstanding when the union guys were surrounding the first guy…kissing an elderly woman on the cheek after she got the better of him (supposedly) and asking the patriots on the sidewalk with their signs to join him inside … Look for these pictures to pop-up somewhere.

Meanwhile, as far as the actual meeting , the time was tightly controlled. Weiner kept flapping his gums, so that very little real challenge to ObamaCare was allowed. As expected!

For a few more pictures, click thumbnail:

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