Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tea Party in Times Square (pictures and video)

There was a Tea Party in New York City, July 1, 2009, in Times Square!

What a glorious evening it was. Threats of a thunderstorm may have kept some at home. NYC's had the WETTEST June since 1903 (hear that Big Al?) and lately when it storms it's torrential. But, not a drop fell. Fabulous! (scroll to bottom for Videos! and links to more pictures)

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Tee shirt, yeah baby

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Obama, suffer the little children

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Stephen Baldwin

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Pictures are posted in three folders(click thumbnails):

The People and their signs

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The Speakers

Some of the speakers who joined Stephen Baldwin were Dr. Herb London, KT McFarland, Margaret Hoover, Deroy Murdock, Kevin McCullough and Andrew Wilkow as well as people from the crowd.

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Part 1 (of 2)

Part 2

Pictures of band and extras of crowd

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Click Thumbnail for more pictures of the band (Rahway and John King) and some extra crowd shots

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by redsquirrel08

Much thanks to Atlas Shrugs for posting Red Squirrel's pictures post haste while the Brigade was busy going through other pictures and video.


  1. Sad that this is not coverage you will see on Today or the evening news or the "Communist News Newwork" but it is representative of the main stream media's need to keep everything relevant swept under the rug...SHAMEFUL!!! Keep the Tea Parties happening all over the USA! Keep it 2012 yet?

  2. 1,217 days and COUNTING!
    Fox News was there and but all the rest NOT present. We agree:SHAMEFUL!
