DAY FOUR: Free Free 'Fakestinians' Assault the streets of Manhattan. They were marching to the Israeli ‘mission’ (isn’t that cute). Not the Israeli Consulate.
A crowd of 3,000 maybe 4,000 filled their assigned pens on Broadway but they also chose to spill on to the sidewalks. As always, the Leftists do what they want by fiat because the police simply can’t rope them in…so …as long as they aren't rioting…they roam the streets with their offensive signs and flags. Little parades on the sidewalks and in the crosswalks ...everywhere they aren't supposed to be.
We must stop this MADNESS.
However, WE....the Pro-Israel Patriots are penned in…even those who were trying to pass out informational flyers with the FACTS, the TRUTH were penned in. Also, the VSB found that trying to take a picture of the Pro-Israel side was...AGAIN complicated by the police stepping into the pictures. Pushing us along the sidewalk. Insisting that WE keep moving! This happened to other photographers on our side. Not just VSB. The police are controlling US.Not them? Why?! Why no pictures?
Click thumbnails to see the all the pictures we took in spite of the harassment!!
Part 1
by redsquirrel08
Part 2
by redsquirrel08
Click thumbnails to see the all the pictures we took in spite of the harassment!!
Part 1
by redsquirrel08
Part 2
by redsquirrel08
And seven short videos :
Part 1January 3, 2009 (part 1 of 7)After a couple of hours in Times Square, they march to the Israeli Consulate. Also, Pro-Israel supporters are there (see part 2 and 7)
Part 2
Pro-Israel Supporters on the streets with the pro"palis" Before they march to the Israeli Consulate the cops are on 'stick' patrol with the 'palis' sticks on signs!
Part 3
"palis" continue to arrive in Times Square before the walk to Israeli Consulate January 3, 2009
Part 4
the march begins and then "palis" stop it!
Part 5
part 5 and part 6 will show how many 'palis' were bussed in to Manhattan as the pass by Bryant Park
Part 6
part 5 and part 6 will show how many 'palis' were bussed in to Manhattan as the pass by Bryant Park
part 7
palis' finish march to the Israeli Consulate (they think it's cute to call it a 'mission') And we see Pro-Israel supporters at the end as well.
The 'palis' made a very BIG show for all of Manhattan to see….lots and lots of muslims….lots and lots of ‘fakestinian’ scarves…Is this our future? As Europe goes…What’s next for us. Be Afraid, America!
And...they are planning to do this again NEXT Sunday...January 11.
The 'palis' made a very BIG show for all of Manhattan to see….lots and lots of muslims….lots and lots of ‘fakestinian’ scarves…Is this our future? As Europe goes…What’s next for us. Be Afraid, America!
And...they are planning to do this again NEXT Sunday...January 11.
Send all these wanna be palis to Gaza & then carpet bomb it - something Israel should have done a long time ago.