Monday, January 12, 2009

Counter-Rally to the Hate-Israel/Pro-“palis”

scroll to bottom for videos:

The counter-rally to the hate-Israel/pro-“pali” march was a great success. Our goal: to stay out of a police enclosure as long as we could. The police usually send us too far away from the lefties that we come to counter. (It didn’t use to be this way) But, recently the police are harassing those who support Israel (who support America) demanding that we not even take pictures.

The soc-commie-leftie-“palis” are always surrounded by their legal-beagles and we KNOW Bloomberg has used CAIR to instruct the police to be ‘sensitive’ to the muslims so we seem to be not as equal as some… Of course the police can’t herd the leftists the way they can law-abiding Americans so we lose in the PR-‘war’ of using the public streets to spread our message. The leftists saturate every sidewalk and every corner…every crosswalk… with themselves and their signs and their SOUND blasts for blocks!! (how far is a sound system permitted to blast?) At any rate, just try to counter that insanity. Nope. We aren’t even permitted to walk around with flyers. Everything we attempt: taking pictures, passing out flyers, walking, standing, pausing…we are harassed by the police into enclosures far awaywhile their lies are being BLASTED all over Times Square.(Note: we had four photographers on-the-street who were stopped from taking pictures(again) and one photorapher even had her camera taken from her briefly by an officer. WHY when she was breaking no laws.)

We are bullied because we still respect the police but, do the police respect US? that seems doubtful. Anyone who remembers the very successful protest at the NY Times a few years ago knows that the police permitted the opposition to stand directly across from us blasting whistles very loudly and without pause. It was disgusting. Yet, today in New York City we can’t even hand-out flyers or take pictures!

Now, to the good part. Today, we took the police completely by surprise. (that’s what we intended) We had many wonderful patriots on our side carrying flags and signs around Times Square until the police simply shoved us in to a dark hole on 38th street (behind a bus-shelter!!) But, until then: We did GOOD!

The ‘palis’ and friends kept walking everywhere with their flags, with their signs and with their commie-papers while the police just stood around and did nothing to them. At one point, I managed as did a couple of others in our group, to create enough commotion around a few of the ‘pali-leftists’ that they were forced into their enclosures (even if only temporarily).

Remember the ‘palis’ walking around on the sidewalks were left alone to walk around by the police and even though we were technically penned-in, we have quite a few of our patriots also walking around. The police didn’t like the ‘palis’ yelling at us at one point. Guess that’s why we got moved to the blind side of the bus-shelter.Even so we had a great day.

We TAKE Times Square unannounced!

We held that position for about 15 minutes claiming freedom of speech and assembly.

Then…we were bullied all the way to 37th st…

But our foot-soldiers took to the sidewalks anyway:

This guy below kept walking around Times Square with his flag. The cops didn’t seem to catach up to him.

But the guy is the picture below: they caught him…sent him to the ‘pen’

Then because the ‘palis’ were yelling at us…the cops shoved us behind another bus shelter that was further away…

We did a great job a showing ourselves to the public and handing out flyers in spite of the police harassment.

The rest of the pictures from our counter rally are here>>

And the report on the Stand With Israel Rally is here>>

First video of two: The Pro-Israel Counter Rally begins in Times Square

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