Wednesday, October 8, 2008

They Can't Handle The Truth About Jihad ....

Patriot Chaplain Desiree preaches the Truth about Jihad in Central Park...


  1. I dont know if you know this but you made it to the today lol

    Nice blog you have here :-)

    Good Job!

  2. whoever runs this site email and organized that rally and visit We face the same thing in the intellectual parts of Philadelphia. We need to join together to expose the intolerant Leftists.

  3. I love this blog. You're linked on my Blogspot blog and my commentary blog at

  4. These people yelling at this courageous gal don't have a clue how great this country is. Do they think they could talk freely about political issues in an Islamic country?
    Folks, you need to come to your senses!

  5. The election is over now and I want to thank you for your patriotic and heroic efforts in a place that, for me, was hard to believe existed in America unless you saw it with your own eyes. Desiree was an inspiration for me and I tried it for a few hours here in hometown Arkansas, but it was nothing compared to hers. Being from the south, I only thought I knew what liberals and socialists were. Wow. I was stunned to see the hatred spewed out by these people.

    Again, thanks for showing me what it's like up there and what we're up against the next four years. Keep it up.

  6. One thing is for sure. Heaven recorded this day. None can say God did not warn of the coming Chairman Maobama and his Rogue politicans. At this CHRISTmas Season let us all return to the Lord God Almighty in Jesus name. As our forefathers before us knew how to bow in prayer, may we also understand NOTHING can deliver us but our dear and wonderful friend, God. II Chronicles 7:14
