Decided to check out the Egyptian Revolution Rally taking place just after the first light snow of the winter season.

Their stage was late, so sans amplification the rally leaders were chanting and attempting to kept the crowd busy until their errant truck/stage arrived.

It was a small crowd comprised of familiar Leftists, "Palestinians" and Islamist protestors.

Usually, I'm called a Zionist, a Racist, a Nazi and a hate-monger but today, I was lectured, told outright HOW I was to write about the rally or else LEAVE because ( you see) " I'm an Islamophobe who WORKS for Pam Geller."
Policing me was Marxist/Fakestinian agitator, Andy Pollack. Andrew Pollack of Al-Awda NY who loves to press his hulking mass into my space while proudly declaring that I had to stop filming.

He kept his little soldiers busy infringing on my freedom of speech and assembly by attempting to block my camera with flags and bodies. Nice, huh? The games Lefties play....

Two young women in the rally were 'alerted' by Pollack to not speak with me because I "WORK for Pam Geller". One of those girls was Micha (Michelle) Balon of the STAGED #OWS marriage (arranged to please the easily duped MSM).
But, Micha doesn't seem to be 'married' anymore. Her face book page says she interested in MEN and makes no mention of a 'husband'

My other critic was Nada Elmansy (in light blue hijab) She said I can't be trusted to write appropriately about Muslims!" However, I appreciate that she took a moment on camera to actually express why she was there.

Some more pictures of the signs...

Socialist yearning for bread, dignity and ...."Social Justice"!

Socialist...Revolution.... Freedom...Justice For All!

Anti-Israel (lots of Kuffeyas ) and Anti-America ....

It wasn't just a rally about those martyred in Tahrir Square...

Facts are the Muslim Brotherhood and the Sharia compliant government is antithetical to a free society, to a democracy.
"The Islamist parties have won 72 percent of the seats in the lower house...the revolutionaries of Tahrir Square were disgraced at the polls and exposed as an insignificant social and political force...The Muslim Brotherhood (and its fellow jihadists in the Salafist al-Nour party) will control Egypt's internal affairs."
Yet there were no signs criticizing the Muslim Brotherhood.

If there were Christians at this rally (as they claimed) WHERE were the signs supporting the Copts.
This election is ".. bad news for women and for non-Muslims. Egypt's Coptic Christians have been under continuous attack by Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist supporters since Mubarak was deposed...The military massacred them when they dared to protest their persecution."
I heard nothing protesting the attacks and murders of the Copts, martyred in Egypt because they are CHRISTIANS. Will the Muslim Brotherhood and the Sharia compliant government be any better? (crickets chirping)

Is Egypt a country on the verge of a real Democracy? Were those killed in Tahrir Square fighting to live under Sharia?
" ...the Islamic fundamentalists now in charge of Egypt ( who) don't need a constitution to implement their tyranny. All they require is what they already have - a public awareness of their political power and their partnership with the military."

Leaving no doubt this was also a protest in opposition of Israel...
"...the new regime ( in Egypt) which allows Sinai to be used as a launching ground for attacks against Israel and as a highway for weapons and terror personnel to flow freely into Gaza; clear signs that the peace with Israel is already dead - treaty or no treaty.
"..the depth and breadth of America's losses, consider that on January 25, 2011, most Arab states were US allies to a greater or lesser degree. Mubarak was a strategic ally...In Egypt, it was clear that the Muslim Brotherhood would emerge as the strongest political force in the country."
Keeping the revolution alive in Syria, in Libya, in Tunisia, in Yemen (in Egypt)... and in 'Fakestine'... FREE FREE etc etc etc etc .... Reminding us that America is:
After all, Ramsey Clark and his International Action Center was promoting, organizing , supporting this rally. His organization is not just critical of America it is ANTI- America.
No Old Glory flying along side the flag of Egypt. Just signs, signs and more signs blaming America and praising Socialism.

No Old Glory flying along side the flag of Egypt. Just signs, signs and more signs blaming America and praising Socialism.

Their "Hope and Change" for a democracy is just an excuse to build another Saudi Arabia; another Iran compliments of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Global Day to support the Egyptian revolution on Saturday, Jan 21st, 2012
Global Event: The Struggle Continues
The protestors in Times Square may protest the SCAF but they say nothing against the Muslim Brotherhood....
And Anonymous...of course... was there with this pithy thought:

Global Day to support the Egyptian revolution on Saturday, Jan 21st, 2012
Egyptian Solidarity Groups Rally to Support Egyptian Revolution's Demands on the Anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution
Global Event: The Struggle Continues
New York City, NY—
During the 18 days from Jan 25th to Feb 11th, 2011, the whole world witnessed millions of Egyptian protesters marching in the streets of Egypt and protesting in Tahrir Square, demanding their basic human rights: dignity, freedom, and social justice. After decades of patience and suffering, Egyptians finally spoke out loudly and peacefully demanding the fall of a police-based authoritarian regime, the end of Mubarak’s dictatorship, and the establishment of a civilian, democratic state.
During the 18 days from Jan 25th to Feb 11th, 2011, the whole world witnessed millions of Egyptian protesters marching in the streets of Egypt and protesting in Tahrir Square, demanding their basic human rights: dignity, freedom, and social justice. After decades of patience and suffering, Egyptians finally spoke out loudly and peacefully demanding the fall of a police-based authoritarian regime, the end of Mubarak’s dictatorship, and the establishment of a civilian, democratic state.
The protestors in Times Square may protest the SCAF but they say nothing against the Muslim Brotherhood....
"...the military junta...has made its peace with the Muslim Brotherhood. The generals and the jihadists are negotiating a power-sharing agreement."

And Anonymous...of course... was there with this pithy thought:
"Beneath this mask is an idea and ideas are bullet-proof"

Brilliant record of the hypocritical event and the Jewish useful idiot/kapo element!!
(Micha (Michelle) Balon , surely not related to Marty Balon of Jefferson Airplane??)
We in UK have experienced the same attacks, while they stick their cameras right in our faces!! We also have a selection of wealthy but mentally unstable joo idiots and ISM-ers , Irish and English upper class nazis, with their PSC bosses.
Now an arab who assaulted a Jewish guy at a demo last year has been let off, actual bodily harm, after claiming he bit the Jewish guy in "self defence"!! This is the English judiciary!!
PS, Obama's people, until communism hits them!!
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